Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

Hope set on the living God

For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. (1Timothy 4:10)

Here on my blog recently, I’ve been trying to write a little every day about my Daily Bible Reading. I am doing this writing project in an effort to meditate more on the Scripture, learn a little for myself, and hopefully say something useful. So I’ve been writing about one or more verses that jump out at me as I read. And as a reformed and baptist Christian, this one definitely stands out. If you know anything about reformed Christianity, you may have heard about the doctrine of election—God saves and justifies those whom he has chosen. So that’s why this verse is so arresting. How is it true that God is the Savior of all? And what does this mean for Timothy’s ministry?

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